Welome to the VRC-50 WEB RING
.....Home of the online FOO DOGS.....


The VRC-50 RING WEB RING MASTER is Mark W Felhofer.

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Want to join the ring? Click here for info.

The VRC-50 WEB RING is operational as of 28 December 1997.
Here is the link to the current sites in the WebRing CLICK HERE

The following guidelines will govern those selected to grace our WEB RING: (by me, the WEBRING MASTER)
Any former VRC-50 member
Any current VRC-50 member(hardly)
Anybody who ever rode in a VRC-50 aircraft
Anybody who ever drank with a VRC-50 member
Anybody who wanted to be a VRC-50 member but could not
Anybody who was ever in another VRC..like VRC-30 or VRC-40 or even VRC-24
We will even accept regular VR squadron, yeah the C-9 guys. We are desparate, aren't we
Anybody who can spell: VRC-50
Required equipment list to be a member of the VRC-50 WEB RING:
A computer
A modem
A phone line
A web page
A lot of time to waste
A good attitude about this subject
If this sounds like you, let me know via EMAIL

Submit site to VRC-50 WEB RING
Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

The HTML code for your VRC-50 WEB Ring graphics and identifier (like the one above)
will be emailed to you.
Please right click on each of the 2 graphic images above (the Foo Dogs- left and right facing) and save them
these will need to be in the same directory as your page HTML file. When you upload you page to your
ISP, make sure you also upload the 2 images.
Site ID No: